About me

I am a Research Scientist with a solid background in Software Engineering and an uncoventional path to Research. More recently, I have been involved with RL for LLMs (RLHF / RLAIF) and AI Alignment as well as the next generation of LLM-based Agents in the OpenAI models team at Azure AI Research.

I received my Master’s Degree in Image, Vision and Machine Learning in a double degree program between ITA (Brazil) and École Polytechnique (France).

In previous teams at Microsoft, I worked with Knowledge and Language group and in Microsoft Research (MSR), as a Research Engineer, worked with the Cloud Efficiency group, where I contributed to several “Self-driving datacenter” scenarios through the Resource Central platform (ML prediction-serving System for Azure).


My main Research agenda in that last years has been on Foundation Models for AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) with focus on Autonomy and Agency and can be summarized in three pillars:

  • Cognitive Architectures (LLM + Prompt-Engine + Memory-Engine)
  • Digital AGI (Skill Learning / Decision making / Tool Usage)
  • Embodied Intelligence / Robot Learning

While I find a path towards funding for my AGI Research, I try to create profitable solutions in real-world optimal control applications spanning from autonomous systems to data center energy optimization. In particular involved on the adaptation / finetuning of Large Language Models with human inductive bias in the loop (AI alignment).

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If you are interested in Cognitive Architectures augmenting LLMs with a Pre-frontal Cortex and External Memory with focus on Multi-modality, Embodiment and Skill Learning, please ping me.